Hey all! So, I'm completely new to this blogging thing but it seems like the perfect venue to "jot things down" about Boogie and everyone can "stay in touch". Since I'm starting this blog as Javin is already 19 (almost 20) months old, I figured this first blog would be a summary of Javin's birth story and then I'll come on weekly, or bi-weekly to post the new and old adventures of Javin. So, let's not hesitate, let the festivities begin!
So as most of you may remember I was HUGE while pregnant with Javin! I ballooned up to 180 pounds! Yowsers! And I remember going to sleep every night was a real pain (literally!), that's when Javin would be the most wide awake and just partying in the womb. My little monkey would swing from my ribcage and have imaginary soccer tournaments while I tried to sleep through the night. So, when the due date came for me to meet my little munchkin (December 18), the day came and went with no baby...then the next day came...no baby....ugh! I was so ready to stop being pregnant and meet this little sucker who was using my insides as a jungle gym! 10 DAYS LATER...yes, on December 28, 2006 at 2:02 am, little Javin finally arrived but believe me, it wasn't by choice. The only reason I was admitted to the hospital was because Javin didn't have enough fluid so they brought me in to induce me. Oh my gosh, I was practically skipping into Washington County Hospital Center, I was so excited! Ben on the other hand, was walking very slowly...COME ON, LET'S GO! He called his mom to let her know that I was being admitted and (so cute) he started to cry while talking to her. He was so nervous! So, we get in the mammmajammma and I'm ready to roll. They hook me up to every machine in the hospital (it felt like) and gave me some cream to start the labor process. So, the contractions started pretty soon after that and I took them pretty well, I was expecting that they would get worse over time so I just breathed through the ones I was having and concentrated on the fact that I was about to meet my baby boy! A few hours later, the doc decided that the cream wasn't working, I still hadn't dilated so he put me on Pitosin. Apparently, I found out that the labor pains I was having were pretty much as painful as they were gonna get according to one of the nurses, so GO ME that I could handle that pain so well! I guess it's common but with the Pitosin, Javin's heart rate would drop from time to time and at one point they made me shift my position on the bed 'cause it had dropped so low. So, after 13 hours of attempting to induce labor, I finally had enough--Javin's heart rate rising and dropping just freaked me out and to top it off, I had only dilated a fingertip by this point, so I asked the doc to wheel me on out and do a c-section. Dr. Smith thought it really was the best decision 'cause he didn't see that this was going anywhere without some help. So, at 1:50something in the morning, I was being wheeled down to the operating room. I was so terrified about getting the spinal block, I didn't even want an epidural if I had been able to have a vaginal birth. Oh my gosh, I shook the entire time down to the OR. Then, I expected that Ben would be in the OR with me when they did the spinal block but they didn't let him in until afterwards, so there I was with this grumpy anesthesiologist all by myself! I made it through and he really was quick but boy was I happy to see Ben when he finally came in! My poor mom who had been in the hospital with us all day had to stay upstairs until Javin arrived. So, Ben and I are in the OR and the docs are really yanking to get J out! lol. Ben was so pale and kept asking me, "You feel alright? Can you feel that? Are you sure?". Poor guy, I was so out of it, they could have cut my legs off and I wouldn't have felt it. So, they ended up having to use the vacuum to get his monkey butt out 'cause he hadn't dropped yet...WHAT??? YOU'RE 10 DAYS LATE AS IS AND NOW YOU DON'T EVEN WANNA BE WHERE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE? Oh....this is so an indication of the stubbornness that will be my son. lol. Anyway, so at 2:02 is when they got him out and boy was he PISSED! Oh my gosh, as soon as I heard him cry, I just bawled. I hadn't even seen him yet and I was so in love. When the nurse brought him over for me to see him, I about died knowing that I couldn't hold him yet. He was the most perfect, beautiful little guy I've ever seen! Dang it if he wasn't a spitting image of Ben. Huh...I carry the monster for nine months, have the labor pains for 13 hours, get my stomach cut open and my insides laid out on some random table to get him out and he wants to look like Ben???
(C) 2008 Joy Brunnelson All Rights Reserved