Apr 15, 2010


Just a quick note to say that (1.) tonight we had our first time EVER washing Boogie's hair and he did not have a meltdown!! Yes!! He actually put his head back like I've been telling him/attempting to force him to do for the past 3 years and so no water went into his eyes and he was a happy camper (and so was Mama!!). I can't tell you how happy I am for this little victory especially after my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day yesterday (will blog about that tomorrow)! Right now I am just so excited! Okay and  (2.) Javin pooped in the potty a few days ago!! He even told me he had to poop and there was no poop in the pull-up before we got to the toilet!! Double Yes!! Although, he has yet to do it since then....but baby steps, baby steps, right? It's actually a very common problem to have with kids w/ autism- constipation, diarrhea, and up at night!! All the fun stuff, really! So, that's it...like I said, just a quick note...

Sippy Cup Heaven

A few days ago I got rid of all but two sippy cups. Realistically I need two for times of drinks in the car, etc. But I knew that both Javin and I had to be forced to use real cups. He is able to, he just has the problem of when he's finished drinking he forgets to tip the cup back up before pulling it away from his mouth. :) Attached you will see the pictures of his Hot Chocolate Disaster!! Luckily, he has a Mommy that doesn't care too much about messes!